McLifestyle 1:1 Online Fitness Coaching

Discover how to Lose up to 25Lbs of Stubborn Belly Fat and Build Lean Muscle (Tone Up) inside 3 Hours a Week!

Without Removing Your Favourite Foods!

I'm seeking 5 Busy Working Professional looking to lose stubborn belly fat, tone up & feel more confident in their clothes.

Optimise your performance at work, have more energy in the evenings for your family & friends, feel comfortable in your clothes and finally be proud of yourself and the person you see in the mirror.


- You don’t’ feel comfortable in your own clothing no matter where you go.

You opt to “cover up” and wear loosely fitting clothing for social events so you don’t feel as self-conscious of your appearance.

Going to the beach or on a holiday, you’d love to take your top.

You wonder why you have to be so different to everybody else?

- You’ve tried countless programs and sure sometimes you get off to a good start.

Your training goes well, you've cut out your favourite foods and told yourself you’re not going to eat anymore “bad foods.”

You feel motivated....and then the weekend arrives. And it's game over!

- After a hard week of work, you’re winding down for the weekend and you see some sweet treats lying around the house.

“I deserve a treat for all my hard work these past few weeks” you think.

Temptation gets the better of you.

- One biscuit or bar turns into the entire packet.

One drink turns into a full night out. One-night spills over to the full weekend – you get a takeaway, have more comfort food the next day and this cycle continues.

Craving food is standard, but sometimes you just lose control. Needing something sweet then something salty.

When you’re out of routine at the weekend, you find it hard to remain self-disciplined.

- You wake up the Monday morning feeling guilty about the choices you made over the weekend.

What’s the point of even “getting back on track today” if I can’t even enjoy or indulge in any social situation you think?

- All your life, you’ve been exercising frequently and eating pretty healthily Monday – Friday yet you wonder why you're not seeing results.

Your body hasn’t changed. You look the same now as you did last year.

You haven’t gotten stronger or toned up. You still don’t feel any more confident in your clothes or appearance.

- When you don’t see results it’s so easy to lose motivation.

It re-starts a vicious cycle of emotional eating, binge eating, anxiety and depression.

These feelings all skyrocket as you move further away from your goals.

- Lacking confidence in yourself. Feeling unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.

Letting your biggest enemy live between your two ears.

Having reduced energy levels and feeling unfulfilled – there is no quality or enjoyment in sustaining this lifestyle.

Not doing something now could mean you reflect back on another year passing by with regret.

But...there is a solution because many other men felt the same way as you.

Real People. Real Results.

Frank Byrnes - From Following Unsustainable Diet's to Feeling his Fittest in his 50's!

“Before starting I wanted to lose 5lbs, be stronger, more flexible & the fittest I can be in my 50’s.

I didn’t have a proper gym plan. I didn’t understand food even through I’d great dietitians work with me in past.

Adrian’s service is supportive, it offers accountability and it’s really educational on every call.

The personal touch is excellent and it’s great value for money - not seen until you’re in the process of the 12 weeks.

Some of my achievements so far:

1. 10 lbs lighter

2. Belt size down

3. More energy

4.Much more


5. Stronger

6. My food knowledge has totally changed for life

7.My whole lifestyle has changed

8.I ain’t a star pupil but I got far more out of it than I put into it

9.Enjoying good gym sessions

What about an approach like this…….

Why this guy went on a 12 week McLifestyle journey after having ran 32 marathons some ultra’s up to 100km, lost a stone weight to get jockeys license to race horses, and a motor racing champion.

Well not just because he loves a challenge it’s because he wants to be the fittest , healthiest, strongest and most flexible guy in his 50’s.

He knows the values of looking after himself.

But why does a guy like Frank that so focused and driven need a health coach?

I needed the support, the accountability and the education on food.

Plus the connection of the McLifestyle Community.

I’m a new man after 12 weeks, I loved the journey.

Maurice Boyle - From Doing Endless Cardio with Limited Results to Joining the Gym & Losing 9Kg in 90 Days!

“My top goal was to lose a bit of weight – especially belly fat.

I had increased cardio exercise qubut was only losing a small amount of weight and I was carrying that weight while running and on the bike.

Adrian assessed my individual requirements and goals and came up with a progressive gym program to fit around my other training with a couple of sessions that I could also do at home on days I couldn’t make it to the gym.

He also set calorie targets and gave good guidance on nutrition and macro balance in my diet. This was all backed up with:

☑️The McLifestyle app which tied into MyFitness pal.

✔️Frequent feedback messages on progression in gym and with nutrition and positive mindset messages.

☑️ Regular coaching calls and check-ins for 1:1 with Adrian

✔️ Accountability forms – to drive your commitment to realising your own goals.

In the past 12 weeks I have:

☑️Reduced weight by 9Kg so I feel much better and fit my clothes a lot better.

✔️Gained a much better understanding of nutrition and food portions

☑️Run my fastest 10 mile in 4 years and felt great after it

✔️Started doing weight bearing exercises and doing gym workouts with increasing weights.

With these changes that I feel healthier and stronger, and I feel that I have a good knowledge base built up with nutrition.

I feel this will help significantly in staying healthy and will help prevent injury in the long term.

If you need help in achieving your goals towards a healthier diet and lifestyle, losing some weight and building your strength then I would really

recommend Adrian’s program.

Fearghal Ryan - From Being Unsure what to do in the Gym to doing Weighted Pull Ups!

“My main goal was to continue to get leaner while also toning up my muscle. I also didn’t want my strength to suffer and progressively lift heavier.

All that linked into wanting to feel more confident.

Before the program I was struggling with motivation and varying my workouts. I had only been working out 3 days a week and was needing a new challenge and an introduction to new exercises.

The explaining of all the nutrition and what does what and why it’s important was really good.

The app was fantastic with the videos to go along with it and the fact any questions you had was answered was really impressive.

Adrian’s knowledge and expertise when it comes to Physical health and well-being was a huge benefit to the program too.

🏆 Wins:

🥇 Progressing onto weighted pull ups was very rewarding, this was one area I had struggled with in the past

🏅 Hitting 3 digits in my squat was massive and a real confident boost

Life is really good now. I’m feeling 10 times more confident about my appearance and also when facing into workouts. Working out has just become part of my

everyday routine and I’m loving it!

Anyone thinking of starting, I would highly recommend it, Adrian will definitely bring your training to the next level. If you are serious about reaching your goals and willing to put in the work you are pretty much guaranteed to see results 🏋️‍♀️”

Alan McEvoy - From Binging/Restricting & Not Knowing what to do in the gym to Deadlifting 150Kg!

"For me my goals was to get into good shape and feel good and to be able to sustain that then long term.

The biggest problem I had was I would be very good at the start of the week and be really strict and by the weekend I'd be eating all around me.

My challenge was not knowing what to do in the gym and not wasting time when I was in the gym.

I really liked what I was seeing on Instagram with the posts and thought that I could see myself fitting in a lot of the points to myself.

🏆 Wins

✅ Hitting 150kgs deadlift: I was delighted to lift that weight.

Not feeling like I'm on a diet and yet still losing weight.

🔥 The biggest win for me is how I feel in myself. Feel really good and feel very confident in myself.

Life is very busy with work and everything but I'm really enjoying my journey working with Adrian and the team.

I would say to anybody to go for it, the only regret that you will have is that you didn't do it sooner."

Sean O Boyle - From Crash Dieting & Not Being Able to Sustain Results to Staying Lean Year Round!

“Before starting I wanted to stay lean for more than an 8-12 week period before crashing off once done. I always found after finishing other programs that I’d crash immediately and end up losing the results I worked hard for!

Since starting the program, it helped me understand that it was okay if I had a bad day or days, taught me how to get back on track and improved my mindset and reaction to this happening.

I have:

☑️ Gotten Stronger

✔️ Increased Confidence

☑️ Better Sleep

✔️ Did a Successful Cut & “Peak Week.”

Since finishing I am now able to keep a long term focus on my fitness and nutrition and haven’t seen myself ‘crash off’ which happened previously.

Anyone thinking of starting, stop thinking and just have an initial call with Aido to see what he can offer you!

He is professional, energetic, has a great mindsetand can support you in achieving the goals you are looking for!

Investing in yourself is one of the best things you can do.”

Barry Neville - From Giving up Cigarettes to Becoming a Full-time Fitness Fanatic!

"Before starting, I wanted to lose weight and tone up. I wanted to develop consistent diet/training habits.

Previously, I never stuck with any training plan and my diet was healthyish but a bit aimless!

You held me accountable and your feedback on wins or diet issues meant I had direction.

🏆 Achievements:

☑️ Lost almost 10kg, feel fitter

✔️ I’ve built a sustainable diet, I feel healthier and have far more energy

☑️ I’ve improved on workouts week after week, got


✔️ I’ve maintained the diet/training while on holiday, working from home & even while moving house

Life now looks limitless and I've a lifetime of development to go!

Anyone thinking of starting, do it. I would tell them a gym membership won’t hold you accountable, a diet won’t make you stronger and whatever you think is a reason not to do this is just holding you back.

Give yourself the chance you deserve and sign up with Adrian.

John Courtney - From Working 60+ Hour Weeks in his 20's to Investing in Himself & Feeling his Fittest in his 30's!

“Before starting, my main goal was to look good, and after that I guess feeling good was second , but they come hand in hand.

My biggest problem before starting with Adrian was definitely nutrition knowledge, second to that would have been routine. What was different about Adrian’s service was the level of

accountability from the program.

🥇 Achievements:

✅Strength gains

✅ Weight loss

✅ Mental health improvement

I feel a lot more in control of my life with the confidence gain from the weight loss especially and also with the strength gain it has given me great gym confidence 😀

I am in a better mentally for sure especially evenings or days where I workout I feel so positive and accomplished.

Life is better now, I feel like I am focusing more on the future every day, I can plan ahead of myself and this leads to me being more balanced in my mood because I don't get cure balls of crap meals or crap sleeps, I much more capable in my everyday tasks.

Ian Feerick & Alison McHugh - Getting Ready for their Wedding Day!

“Before starting, my goal was to tone up, get stronger but most importantly develop a consistent routine.

Consistency and diet were my two biggest problems. I would often do well for a week or two but would inevitably miss a session and then

fall off the wagon.

That would be it until the following Monday when "I'll start again."

Since starting, it's no longer all or nothing but rather being consistent over time. I still enjoy a treat most nights and have the knowledge to leave some calories in the bank to allow me to do that.


✅Toned up & Stronger




As a result of the program, I've seen first hand that progress is addictive and I want to improve every week.

If you're struggling with consistency and accountability, then it's a no brainer to work with Adrian. The program will also have a positive impact on both your physical and mental well-being. Thanks Aido! 👍”

Here's what You Need Instead:

Here's what you need instead:

A personalised and unique approach that considers your ever changing body & busy lifestyle.

And we do just that...

To date, we've helped almost 400 men (some starting out, others with several years gym experience) transform their bodies using our McLifestyle Method without following a restrictive diet.

We have:

· Toned up, added lean muscle & more definition to bodies (without going to a gym if you don’t want to)

· Helped our clients achieve inner-fulfilment by changing themselves from the inside out so they feel true deep confidence to perform better at work, socialise more and chat to the opposite sex.

· Allowed our members to enjoy a sense of freedom by feeling more comfortable & confident in their clothes

· Taught our clients how to build an athletic physique & look amazing in everything they wear

· Most importantly our clients have learned how to maintain their bodies for the rest of their lives, without cutting carbs or sacrificing their social lives.

More Success Stories

High Performance Health Program

What do you get?

☑️Initial Assessment and Consultation Call

✔️A Personalised Performance Training Program (Home or Gym Based)

☑️A Tailored Peak Performance Nutrition Plan

✔️Progressive Changes Made to Your Plan so You Don't Plateau

☑️ Access to the Exclusive McLifestyle Fitness App

✔️Technique Analysis Workshop

☑️ Mobility and Movement Training

✔️Live Weekly Educational Webinars

☑️Access to a Private VIP Group for Extra Accountability & Support

✔️24-5 (I Try take Weekends Off) Messenger Support

☑️1:1 Accountability & Problem Solving Calls

✔️Bonus 1: Foolproof Bargain Grocery System...That'll Save €100's per Month!

☑️Bonus 2: The Ultimate Tone Up While You Travel Eating & Workout Blueprint....For Getting Amazing Workouts in With no Equipment so you don't Feel Guilty Enjoying Yourself!

✔️Bonus 3: The Busy B*Stard Cooking Guide - How to Eat Healthy Even if You Have no Time to Cook!

What our members are saying about us...
Frequently Asked Questions...

 What is it you do again?

We teach men & women how to drop stubborn belly fat and build lean muscle (tone up) inside 3 hours a week without removing their favourite foods.

We do this by focusing on 3 core programs which a successful program must have:

1. Effective training methods so we can get the best possible results in the least amount of time.

2. Non-Restrictive nutritional protocols so we can build good habits & make long-term, sustainable changes (it's not a diet, it’s a lifestyle).

3. Support & guidance so you're held accountable, feel reassured you’re on the right path & know you’ve got a coach who’ll answer any questions you have.

We help you create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Not only will you look, feel and perform better, you'll learn how to maintain it for the rest of your life.

 What exactly do you help people with?

  • ​Help with personalised nutrition

  • ​We give you a personalised performance program

  • ​Help your mindset

  • ​Help with your accountability

  • ​Help with a personalised cardio routine

  • Help with your mobility

  • ​Help with your habits

  • ​Access our members only McLifestle Fitness App

 Who does this work for?

  • Men & Women looking to build muscle and shed bodyfat

  • ​Busy professionals working 30-40+ hours per week

  • Athletes who want to perform good & look amazing

  • Beginners looking to get started into a health & fitness routine

What are the benefits?

Big Benefits, The Outer Evolution:

  • ​Losing weight 
  • ​Toning up
  • ​Building lean muscle
  • Having more energy
  • ​Improved posture

More Subtle Benefits, The Inner Healing:

  • ​Being confident in front of a camera 

  • ​Fit into your favourite clothes (you know, the ones in the back of the closet) that hadn’t been worn for years

  • ​Feel more comfortable and confident in social situations

  • ​The increased discipline in their workout often generates greater discipline in other areas, such as finances and personal commitments

  • ​Feel more confident in reaching out and making new connections, both personal and work-related

  • Feel your intimate, private relationships improve. (One guy told us he finally had the confidence to ask his crush out on date - they're now in a relationship!)

  • ​Feel a freedom you hadn’t felt in years – to go places and do things you no longer thought possible

  • ​Feel the motivation needed to change other things about yourself that you had lacked the confidence to attempt before

  • Inner pride & accomplishment from finally taking action on improving your health and fitness

Your confidence will increase with every passing day, in every area of your life.

How much does it cost?

I don't know what you need help with yet.

You might need more or less support or a longer or shorter program but I have a pretty flexible price range that works for everyone.


As you can see from our testimonials, what we teach works. That isn’t hype or a quick fix. Our unique methods have been proven to generate real results by hundreds of our clients.


It doesn’t matter what you have gone through or how much failure or little success you’ve had in the past. We have worked with clients of all types from all kinds of different situations.

While nothing in life is guaranteed, we would love the honour to help you achieve your goals. We look forward to working with you!

Let's get started! Book your TRANSFORMATION CONSULTATION session today!

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